About Elke Geising

Intercultural communication has been my lifelong dream. Leaving my village of birth in Germany after High School, I studied, worked, and engaged in many parts of the world.
First, as a Psychologist in Switzerland and New York. Thereafter, as a global telecommunications executive and business owner, I worked with individuals and organizations of diverse race, faith, and gender identities all over the world.
Coming to South Africa, by invitation 20 years ago, I led Nala-Partners for Entrepreneurship, a social entrepreneurship organization, empowering South African women with business start-ups, mentoring, and micro-financing.
Today, older and wiser, I am a change catalyst. As mentor, counselor, and dialog facilitator I guide gifted yet also traumatized individuals and groups onto a path of healing relational wounds and feeling included and valued. I am passionate about supporting women during mid-life challenges to find joy, self-love, and a new vision. And, to lead Seniors who want to make peace, resolve conflict, and go with grace.
Dialog Process: Embracing Diversity honors our shared humanity.
- Explore together a vision for life and identify barriers that block.
- Inventory strength, talents, as well as fears, anger, and destructive patterns.
- Define a vision, set goals, a roadmap, and steps to take.
- Provide emotional and spiritual grounding and nurture courage to change.
- Create tools for navigating complex social dynamics in a polarized world.

My vision: I am a cycle breaker of inter-generational hate and bitterness, which divides us.
My agency: To engage and lead on the path of healing toward interconnectedness in dignity, reciprocal respect, and collaborative engagements.
My action: offer a safe and caring space for seekers of healing to be in dialog, to listen, learn, and inspire.:
Sharing our stories about facing history in ourselves and the choices we made – and facing the whining ghosts that haunt us
Talking openly about challenges, fear, and shame as well as doubt and despair.
And. sharing mystical, magical encounters with spirit guides, and guardian angels who extend a caring hand, a warm welcome sharing their wisdom about emotional/spiritual victories and inner/outer peace-making
‘Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world’ – Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Meine Vision:
Den Kreislauf generationsübergreifender Feindseligkeit und Bitterkeit, der uns trennt, zu durchbrechen.
Mein Ziel:
Zwischenmenschliche Versöhnung in Würde, gegenseitigem Respekt und kooperativem Engagement zu fördern.
Mein Einsatz:
Einen sicheren und fürsorglichen Dialogprozess zu ermöglichen und leiten; zuhören, lernen und inspirieren. So treffen wir uns, auf der gemeinsame Suche nach Heilen und Frieden:
Auseinandersetzung mit der persönlichen Lebensgeschichte und den Entscheidungen, die wir getroffen haben, (auch mit den quälenden Schatten, die uns bedrängen).
Offen über Herausforderungen, Angst und Scham sowie Zweifel und Hoffnungslosigkeit zu sprechen.
Dazu gehören auch mystische, magische Begegnungen mit spirituellen Ratgebern und Schutzengeln, die uns eine fürsorgliche Hand reichen, uns herzlich willkommen heißen und ihre Weisheit über emotionale/spirituelle Erfahrungen sowie inneren/äußeren Frieden mit uns teilen:
Dies ist ein Ankommen – spirituelles nach Hause kommen;
Mit Anmut leben – mein inneres Auge sieht eine wunderschöne Wiese mit bunten Wildblumen, auf der sich spirituelle Schwestern und Brüder in Frieden und Harmonie versammeln. Ich lade euch ein, mit mir auf diese Reise zu kommen, um euren Lebens Traum lebendig zu halten.
Memberships and Presentations

IAWA – Independent Afghan Women Association e.V.

Workshop at the South African – German Chamber of Commerce, Pretoria, 2010

December 8 – 12 2012, International Conference on:
- Engaging the Other
- Breaking Intergenerational Cycles of Repetition
- Presentation of Film & Discussion: Embracing Responsibility Beyond Shame and Guilt: A Descendant of Nazi Germany Engaging the Past through Dialogue with Young South Africans – Elke Geising (Cape Town)